Montag, 26. November 2007


AFRICAN TRUSKER ( Loxodonta Africana )
It is classified as an endangered species due to a reduction of at least 50% of the AFRICAn elephant population over the last three generations based on an index of abundance. Hunting of the african elephant is now banned in several countries, but poaching for ivory still exists.


The silver shark is classified as a member of the order Cypriniformes and is a member of the family Cyprinidae. The silver shark is classified as an endangered species due to a reduction of at least e0% of the silver shark population over the last ten years based on direct observation and a decline in area of occupancy.

GIANT PANDA (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
Within a few short years, Giant Pandas could be facing extinction. Fewer than 1,000 remain in their native habitat of CHINA. The main reason for their decline is due to loss of natural habitat and poaching.

POLAR BEAR (Ursus maritimus)
Polar Bears are endangered due to the man's excessive hunting for their priceless hide, tendons, meat, fat and flesh. Their numbers dwindled from several hundred thousands to a few hundred in a few years time.

These magnificent cats are native to tropical zones in SOUTHEAST ASIA and temperate regions like the RUSSIAN FAR EAST. Less than 6,000 tigers remain in the wild. The most urgent threat to the species is poaching for body parts and bones used in traditional Asian medicines.

Practical Session 7 - changes and news

platform: PC

story line - first level

After recieving the instructions on video, the detectives task is to find out which the 5 most endangered animals are and in which countries they live. Thats necessary for him, to know where he has to continue his investigations. He goes to the Natural History Museum to talk to a specialist, to find out which the animals are, he has to rescue. When he enters the office, he find the dead body of the man and a hint which helps him, to go on in his searching. At the end of every level he is at the airport and can decide where he wants to go next.

learning outcomes: information about the endangered animals, the countries they live in, and the character he plays, which is some kind of hero (antique hero - Achilles...)

coming soon
player control, user feedback, tutorial...
Level setup: Hierarchy

Donnerstag, 15. November 2007

Practical session 6

The detective (player) receives a videomessage from the head of the global BRUNO organisation, who asks for his help in a recent kidnapping case.
The villian, head of a freaked out sect, calles himself Goa (the antichrist). He kidnapped the last existing animals from 5 breeds from all over the world. Due to the believe of his sect, that amageddon is near, he plans to take the animals to a far away planet in his spaceship called "Goa's Ark".
The detective's task is to free the animals by travelling the different countries the animals are from and searching there for hints where Goa could have hidden them.


Goa (the antichrist) and the "Last Hope"
In his early years Goa was a hippie activist and concerning hippie-principles like love, peace and pacifism he was an absolute hardliner. But bad vibrations in his hippie commune and heavy drug abuse got him more and more off the right track. A strange "spiritual experience" where he said he met the devil personally changed his mind forever.
He started a sect, called the "Last Hope", where he considered himself as the "maximum leader". In his acting as the leader of the sect, he drew more and more parallels to the well known Bible-character "Noah". As many other sects, also the "hopies" think that armageddon is near. They calculated the day the earth will go down on to a day in the very near future. To escape the terrible fate of every life on the planet, a few years ago the sect started to construct a spaceship called "Goa's Ark". Like Noah, thousands of years ago, they want to "rescue" some animals, which are becoming extinct. Their plan is to start a new civilization on a planet, far far away, while the earth is going down the pan. They want to cross-breed the unique animals they've stolen to a new super-race of animals.
Apart from this information there is very little known about Goa - it is assumed that he has a strange sort of humour and often surprises people with his absolutely crazy behaviour.

Everyone outside the "Last Hope" universe knows that these people are just a bunch of crazy weirdos. Also, the "spaceship" is constructed by amateur do-it-yourself enthusiasts, and will not even make it to the moon - everybody knows that. Therefore it is of special importance to our detectives to rescue this very last animals on the earth to prevent them going down in "Goa's Ark".

Is this Goa? Goa often changes styles, in order to stay inkognito. However, through the years there may have been some witnesses, which have drawn an identikit picture at the police-station.