Montag, 26. November 2007

Practical Session 7 - changes and news

platform: PC

story line - first level

After recieving the instructions on video, the detectives task is to find out which the 5 most endangered animals are and in which countries they live. Thats necessary for him, to know where he has to continue his investigations. He goes to the Natural History Museum to talk to a specialist, to find out which the animals are, he has to rescue. When he enters the office, he find the dead body of the man and a hint which helps him, to go on in his searching. At the end of every level he is at the airport and can decide where he wants to go next.

learning outcomes: information about the endangered animals, the countries they live in, and the character he plays, which is some kind of hero (antique hero - Achilles...)

coming soon
player control, user feedback, tutorial...
Level setup: Hierarchy

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