Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2008

final session - progress

Look forward for "GOA´s ARK"!!! The game release date is now fixed:

April 1st 2008

will be the date of many happy players! Visit for preordering the game. There is also a trial version available - so you can check out if the game covers your expectations. After the release date you will also be able to download the whole game on our webpage! Pay the same price as in stores and download quickly without leaving home.

Look out for posters that are spread all over the cities. They will give you an impression about the unique game style!

A teaser-campaign will be launched the next days, to make people curios about the game. It shows Goa's silhouette and a few game infos.

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008

"Player feedback" V2

The usage of the keyboard during the game is limited to a few keys. The example shows a standard QWERTZ keyboard, with the usable keys highlighted.

The keys have different usage, according to the color of the outline:

blue outline (standard gameplay):
I: Inventory - gives direct access to the inventory, during the normal point-and-klick gameplay
Return/Enter: acknowledges any selection/information windows that require confirmation (during the game as well as in the game menu)
F5: Quick Save - saves the game without the need to quit to game menu
F6: Quick Load - loads the game at the latest quick save point

Also the arrow keys may be used to navigate through the game menu.

green outline (action sequences):
While the character in normal game mode is steered by mouse, it changes to direct steering during action (=fight) sequences.
Arrow Up: Jump
Arrow Down: Duck
Arrow Left: Walk left/turn left
Arrow Right: Walk right/turn right
Spacebar: Attack

The keys may be combined, e.g. "Arrow Down" and "Attack" to perform a low attack.

red outline:
Esc: to game menu/Quit/deny - when pressed during game, the game will pause and the game menu is shown. When pressed while in game menu, a quit-dialogue will show up.

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008

Practical Work - session 11

Marketing opportunities:
Advertisements in game stores, media stores (Saturn, etc...), Soccer Championship EURO 2008 Austria/Switzerland, Zoos, Internet, Cinema, TV (MTV), Game Magazines, Games Convention, public transport,...

How to attract target market?
Cardboard figures (e.g. Goas silhouette filled with black color, to keep his appearance a mystery), costumed actors (costumed as the characters as well as the animals) advertising the game in malls, media stores and game conventions

Best way to encourage potential buyers?
attract their curiosity by giving them just few information about the game and keeping the rest a secret until it is released.
Stressing the unique style of the game.

Advertising poster:
copyright: Breakfast studios
age rating: PEGI "10+", "Sprache", "Gewalt"; ESRB: "Everyone 10+"
System requirements: PC: DVD Drive, Soundcard, Windows NT/ME/2000/XP/Vista, Pentium 3, 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 1GB Harddisk, Flash ab Version 7; MAC: DVD Drive, Soundcard, G4, 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 1 GB Harddisk, OSX ab 10.0, Flash ab Version 7

Montag, 7. Januar 2008

Practical Work - Session 10

Supported platforms: PC/MAC
Graphics ability: 2D
Multiplayer: No
Networking/Internet: No
Licensing issues: Flash Engine (licensing fees included in Flash CS3 Professional)
Cost: see below

Estimated developing period: 10 months

Personnel (salary per month):
Game Manager - 6.500 €
Chief Programmer - 5.000 €
Chief Artist - 4.000 €
Freelance Artist - 1.000 €
Chief Game Designer - 3.500 €
Total: 11.000 € per month
Total personnel costs: 110.000 €

Usability testing done by UID Germany: 12.000 €
Music artist (funky electro hip gameboy dance trance): 8.000 €

Software costs:
1 x Adobe Flash CS3 Professional - 838,80 €
2 x Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended - 3.237,60 €
1 x Adobe Illustrator CS3 Professional - 862,80 €
1 x Apple Garageband - free
Total software costs: 4.939,20€

Calculated overhead costs: 15.060,80 €



Practical Work - Session 10