Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008

"Player feedback" V2

The usage of the keyboard during the game is limited to a few keys. The example shows a standard QWERTZ keyboard, with the usable keys highlighted.

The keys have different usage, according to the color of the outline:

blue outline (standard gameplay):
I: Inventory - gives direct access to the inventory, during the normal point-and-klick gameplay
Return/Enter: acknowledges any selection/information windows that require confirmation (during the game as well as in the game menu)
F5: Quick Save - saves the game without the need to quit to game menu
F6: Quick Load - loads the game at the latest quick save point

Also the arrow keys may be used to navigate through the game menu.

green outline (action sequences):
While the character in normal game mode is steered by mouse, it changes to direct steering during action (=fight) sequences.
Arrow Up: Jump
Arrow Down: Duck
Arrow Left: Walk left/turn left
Arrow Right: Walk right/turn right
Spacebar: Attack

The keys may be combined, e.g. "Arrow Down" and "Attack" to perform a low attack.

red outline:
Esc: to game menu/Quit/deny - when pressed during game, the game will pause and the game menu is shown. When pressed while in game menu, a quit-dialogue will show up.

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