Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2007

Characters of the game

Son of the human Peleus and the divine sea nymph Thetis.
He is a known hero –the glory of war- in the greek mythology and is considered as invulnerable – except his heel > read more in the game.
His strength is Immortality (except his heel)

She is a fictional but famous heroine. Characteristic is her capacity to fly through the universe.
Superwoman is described as "
faster than a speeding bullet".
Her arsenal of powers has included flight, super-speed, vision powers (including x-ray, heat, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision).

Colambo is crime fiction character.
He seems as an scatterbrained person, but he is really clever and able to solve nearly every case because of his ability to put himself in the murderer´s position.

Azumi is a japanese swordswoman. Azumi stands for freedom, strength and fast capacity of reaction. She really knows what she wants and she is quite positive about herself. Her manual skills are well fully developed.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Superwoman as a detective character - where is then the challenge of the game play, if one can sea, hear ...etc. everything, is unbeatable and so on?

In general you might want to test the game characters with your target audience, to see if they find the appropriate.
