Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007

Game controls, player feedback (in development)

The controls of the Game are quite similar to a standard Point-and-click adventure (e.g. Indiana Jones 4). This means: almost everything is controlled by mouse, except action sequences, which probably will be controlled by the direction keys on the keyboard.

The player points with cursor on a item of his choice, then (if it is of relevance for the game) on the right handside of the cursor the name of the item will appear. If the player now clicks the right mouse button, a menu will show up from which he can choose what to do with the object (unlike in other adventures, only the options that truly can be used with the object will show up).

These options generally are:
look -> lets the detective describe the object (may provide useful details)
take -> the detective takes the object into his inventory
use -> he uses the object in whatsoever way
use with ... -> he uses the object combined with an object chosen from the inventory list
talk -> talk to the person
open -> opens doors, boxes, etc.
close -> closes doors, boxes, etc.
give ... -> gives an inventory-item to the person
turn on -> turns machines etc. on
turn off -> turns machines etc. off
travel -> the detective uses the local transport system to get to another place in the actual level

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