Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

Practical Session 4

More detailed genre-specification:
It is a mixture of a classical adventure-game with brainteasing excercises and occasional action-sequences (ie. of a fight) which can be solved with different abilities, depending on the character.

It's appealing to both genders because the player can choose from male and female characters and it combines problem-solving with thrilling action-parts. The game is not based on competiveness, although it offers some kind of high-score. There is a low standard of violence in the game, and ocassional brutality is shown in an abstract way.

Target audience:
12-14 - boys and girls. Due to some sarcastic (subliminal) humour it will also be interesting for gamers of older age (-17). The game targets players that are oversaturated of the whole bad 3D-games, and the style is a reference to popular MTV-series like "South Park" or "Drawn Together".

Gender specific things:
  • possibility to choose a male or female character and it's proper abilites
  • Action sequences -> boy gamers
  • Problem solving -> girl gamers

How to make it gender neutral?

It is already gender neutral, as there's a good balance between action + adventure.

Feedback of an external person

Liisa likes the concept of the game (as it reminds her of "Monkey Island"), she assumes that it is gender neutral. There is still a lack of detailed information, also some sort of failure-treatment is missing (punishment, ...)

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007

Practical Session 3

By solving brainstorming and action-packed quests you are on Mr Nobodys heels and try to catch him in various outstandingly unique levels.

With the motion-controlled Wii-technology "Catching Mr Nobody" takes the adventure game genre to a new dimension.
Slip into the role of your favourite detektiv and enter a innovatively designed world.

What does the player control? He controls a character!!:D
In comparison to many other learning games, our game looks much more exiting concerning graphics. The player has the possibility to become a famous snuffler and to move in a lovely created patchwork world in which he experiences exciting situations. The fun factor is given throughout the alternation of varoious situations in which he has to show knowledge but in the same moment be ready for some action when dealing with bad guys.
The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the combination of exiting adventure, action and puzzle game.

Roles at Breakfast Studios:
  • Game Producer/Manager: Julian Rojas
  • Game Artist/Modeler: Isabella Thaller
  • Game Programmer/Designer: Lisa Fleck
  • Game Analyst/Tester: Anna Hazod

Results of our brainstorming

Working/Game title: Catch Mister Nobody
Type of the game: Brainteaser/Adventure/Character Roleplay
Expected Platform: Nintendo Wii
Target audience: Children between 12-14 (Interviews will be made)
Story line/General idea: At the beginning the player can choose a character (a famous detective for e.g. Sherlok Holmes, Miss Marple,..) as who he has to follow a trace and interprete the hints he finds. On his journey on which he also has to deal with several villants. The way he solves problems depends on the capabilities of the chosen character (for exapmple: Miss Marple can´t run very fast, but beat the villants with her heavy handbag.)
Learning outcomes: It combines a lot of capabilities, such as capacity of remembering, basics in general knowledge, orientation, ability of fast respond,...

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007

Creating the group name

We started the process of finding a name with some brainstorming: we searched for terms that fit in the area of game developing (we also considered abstract words in the periphery of the subject area).

game, play, fun, fantasy, land of milk and honey, fresh, giocco, ... (bitte ergänzen!)

There were also attempts to create new words out of existing ones, like fun + fantasy = "funtasy", but we thought it sounded weird so we rejected that one.

Thoughts came up to use phrases like 1,2,3 or Abc in different variations to imply the process of learning (learn to count or write) - as for a company who creates educational games it was an interesting approach, but wasn't followed.

We decided, that the term "Studios" would sound good, and has some sort of "artistic touch". The next step was to find a word that would fit with "... Studios".
At some point we concentrated too hard on what kind of games we will develop, and then we even started speaking about the game name, which wasn't leading us anywhere.
We started trying out all combinations which came to our mind, like "Pineapple Studios" (which was already used by another company), ... (bitter ergänzen!). "Breakfast Studios" just came out of the sudden, but was right away liked by the team members.
The company name should imply that our products are as convenient that you could already enjoy them for breakfast. Our company is as good as a hearty breakfast, and everybody knows that a good breakfast can make your day...

Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2007

Launch of Breakfast Studios

On October 3, four Members of the University of Applied Science Joanneum, Graz founded a virtual game developing company.

The company name
"Breakfast Studios" was chosen as a name for the company

The team members
The four company brains are all studying "Information design" in 3rd semester. They are
  • Hazod Anna
  • Thaller Isabella
  • Fleck Lisa
  • Rojas Julian