Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007

Results of our brainstorming

Working/Game title: Catch Mister Nobody
Type of the game: Brainteaser/Adventure/Character Roleplay
Expected Platform: Nintendo Wii
Target audience: Children between 12-14 (Interviews will be made)
Story line/General idea: At the beginning the player can choose a character (a famous detective for e.g. Sherlok Holmes, Miss Marple,..) as who he has to follow a trace and interprete the hints he finds. On his journey on which he also has to deal with several villants. The way he solves problems depends on the capabilities of the chosen character (for exapmple: Miss Marple can´t run very fast, but beat the villants with her heavy handbag.)
Learning outcomes: It combines a lot of capabilities, such as capacity of remembering, basics in general knowledge, orientation, ability of fast respond,...

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