Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007

Creating the group name

We started the process of finding a name with some brainstorming: we searched for terms that fit in the area of game developing (we also considered abstract words in the periphery of the subject area).

game, play, fun, fantasy, land of milk and honey, fresh, giocco, ... (bitte ergänzen!)

There were also attempts to create new words out of existing ones, like fun + fantasy = "funtasy", but we thought it sounded weird so we rejected that one.

Thoughts came up to use phrases like 1,2,3 or Abc in different variations to imply the process of learning (learn to count or write) - as for a company who creates educational games it was an interesting approach, but wasn't followed.

We decided, that the term "Studios" would sound good, and has some sort of "artistic touch". The next step was to find a word that would fit with "... Studios".
At some point we concentrated too hard on what kind of games we will develop, and then we even started speaking about the game name, which wasn't leading us anywhere.
We started trying out all combinations which came to our mind, like "Pineapple Studios" (which was already used by another company), ... (bitter ergänzen!). "Breakfast Studios" just came out of the sudden, but was right away liked by the team members.
The company name should imply that our products are as convenient that you could already enjoy them for breakfast. Our company is as good as a hearty breakfast, and everybody knows that a good breakfast can make your day...

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