Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

Practical Session 4

More detailed genre-specification:
It is a mixture of a classical adventure-game with brainteasing excercises and occasional action-sequences (ie. of a fight) which can be solved with different abilities, depending on the character.

It's appealing to both genders because the player can choose from male and female characters and it combines problem-solving with thrilling action-parts. The game is not based on competiveness, although it offers some kind of high-score. There is a low standard of violence in the game, and ocassional brutality is shown in an abstract way.

Target audience:
12-14 - boys and girls. Due to some sarcastic (subliminal) humour it will also be interesting for gamers of older age (-17). The game targets players that are oversaturated of the whole bad 3D-games, and the style is a reference to popular MTV-series like "South Park" or "Drawn Together".

Gender specific things:
  • possibility to choose a male or female character and it's proper abilites
  • Action sequences -> boy gamers
  • Problem solving -> girl gamers

How to make it gender neutral?

It is already gender neutral, as there's a good balance between action + adventure.

Feedback of an external person

Liisa likes the concept of the game (as it reminds her of "Monkey Island"), she assumes that it is gender neutral. There is still a lack of detailed information, also some sort of failure-treatment is missing (punishment, ...)

1 Kommentar:

Maja Pivec hat gesagt…

You are making good progress despite the change of the topic.

Well documented session :)